What Is The Meaning Of Life?

Posted on April 19 2019

What is the meaning of life? “To be happy and useful”, Dalai Lama

We chose this image of the Dalai Lama for what he represents which is very much in line with what we feel about the world and how we should all do our best to be useful and help others.

But we also think he looks cool in his statement piece of vintage eyewear and when you think about it Ghandi, John Lennon, Malcom X and other special individuals in history are remembered by their style, especially their eyewear.

We also know that the Dalai Lama believes that individuals should be creative and do what they love. He understands that not everybody has the discipline to live like a monk in a temple and spend most of their waking hours with their eyes shut meditating.

We are allowed to have a little fun here, because we do meditate and know the value of meditation but we tend to do it for 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening. The rest of the time we are doing the other thing of great value, seeking out new, unique eyewear for up and coming monks and disciples of BlinkVintage.

So, like this wonderful man we try to do what we love to do daily without harming or upsetting the environment and our fellow neighbours.

BlinkVintage loves the idea that all products that are purchased from the online store already existed and that the only energy used was diligent foot power with a good eye, all done with a happy heart that knows we’re not destroying the planet with waste or mass-produced products.

Back to the big question What is the meaning of life?

This might sound like a really simple question, although it is probably one of the most complicated existential dilemmas of every single human being. Why are we here? Do we have a purpose? What are we meant to do? In essence, does life have a meaning?

Throughout millennia, there have been many people who tried to answer this question. Philosophers, writers, artists, historical figures, common people, politicians. Everyone sooner or later confronts this fascinating, yet deep question. It is just a part of what makes us human. Many “answers” have been provided by thought-provoking minds. The Dalai Lama, for example, had a simple, yet extremely powerful response to this question: the meaning of life is “to be happy and useful”. The pursuit of happiness is indeed a universal quest that every single person shares. We all want to feel happy and fulfilled. On the other hand, being useful to others can, in turn, give us a sense of self-fulfillment that can morph into happiness. It is a full circle. If you manage to find happiness within yourself, you can focus on being useful and helpful to others. In turn, when you are helpful to others, you will reap the rewards of feeling happy because you’re making a difference in someone’s life.

The Dalai Lama’s advice is powerful - doing our best to be helpful and useful to others helps us become happier human beings. The Dalai Lama did not only have an amazing attitude towards life: he had style! Check out his vintage eyewear!

One of the most interesting things behind the concept of searching for the meaning of life is that it is a uniquely individual task. There might not be one single truth about the meaning of life: we all have different hopes, dreams, beliefs, and needs. Therefore, the meaning of life could be different for any given individual. Throughout history, indeed, it always seems that individuals are the ones to make great changes happen. The innovators, the thinkers, the people who follow their own path to the meaning of life are usually the ones who change the world. And they often do it in great style! Think of John Lennon and his amazing vintage glasses, or Malcom X and his iconic eyewear.

Throughout history men of peace, of war, of innovation, of creativity and of love had a unique way of looking at the world and a unique ‘look’ that people identified with them. Try imagining Winston Churchill without his cigar or Marshal Montgomery of World War II and his iconic duffle coat which is still known in the UK as the ‘Monty’. After the war, the military released surplus duffle coats to the public, and it was the artists, students, and intellectuals that wore them and marched to a more radical future.

So we reckon to go conquer the world you need to be wearing a loin cloth under a duffle coat smoking a cigar with a pair of John Lennon eyeglasses!

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